Curriculum Areas » Social Studies/Social Sciences

Social Studies/Social Sciences

The FAMU DRS Social Studies curriculum follows FLDOE Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in Social Studies including embedded Florida Standards (formerly known as the Common Core Standards) for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. The standards were adopted in 2014.


View these standards and related activities here at CPALMS.


You may also view the standards, services, supports, and resources at the Florida Department of Education's Bureau of Standards and Instructional Support website.


Social Studies courses utilize state-approved adopted instructional materials to teach the state standards. The FAMU DRS Leadership Team provides a scope and sequence for instruction in social studies courses, as well as supplemental instructional resources.


The FAMU DRS Leadership Team works to support teachers in their efforts to provide rigorous social studies curriculum and instruction to all students and ensure that all students throughout our district have equal access to a quality education.






Posted in compliance with Florida Statute 1003.42. "Each district must publish on its website, in a searchable format prescribed by the FDOE, a list of all instructional materials, including those used to provide instruction required by s. 1003.42, F.S."



For additional information, contact: 


Elementary School

Ms. Zellee Barnes, Principal

[email protected]



Middle School

Dr. Pink Hightower, Principal

[email protected]



High School

Dr. Pink Hightower, Principal

[email protected]
