Departments » Volunteering at FAMU DRS

Volunteering at FAMU DRS

Volunteering at FAMU DRS
Volunteering at FAMU DRS is a simple two-step process. Step 1 is to complete and submit your volunteer application form to Ms. Altamese Osborne at [email protected] and step 2 is to include in the email with your application your preferred training date.
If your application is approved, you will be sent a confirmation email with the zoom information. IT'S THAT EASY!
The Volunteer Program is looking for staff, parent and community volunteers for the academic school year. Those interested in volunteering must submit an application (found on the FAMU DRS website), submit to a background check and attend one of the Volunteer training sessions to be held every Thursday in August and September. There are many areas where we need volunteers, and this is an excellent opportunity to help support the FAMU DRS community.
All training sessions will be held on Zoom from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Thank you for your interest in serving as a FAMU DRS volunteer. Becoming a volunteer at FAMU DRS is a two-step process:
  1. Attend a MANDATORY Volunteer training (see the attached flyer for the upcoming volunteer training date). 
  2. Complete a FAMU DRS volunteer application (provided at the training).
Once these steps are completed, the Volunteer Coordinator will review and approve or deny your application.
All approved volunteers receive a welcome email. If you have not received this email, you are not approved to volunteer, and if you are not approved to volunteer, you should not be on campus. Any persons found volunteering or working on campus without clearance will be subject to removal.
Contact Ms. Altamese Osborne regarding the Volunteer Application Process. 
(850) 412-5930 (phone)