Mr. Terry Watson

School Board Member Biographical Sketch
Mr. Terry Watson
Terry serves as the DBE Program Specialist in the Equal Opportunity Office of the Florida Department of Transportation.  In this role Mr. Watson is primarily responsible for working with the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in helping the Department and the construction industry achieve the states federal DBE goal.  He also promotes the Departments DBE Program by marketing and communicating the Program to prime contractors and consultants throughout the state.

Mr. Watson moved to Florida in 2000, and previously served as the Bond Specialist for the Departments Construction Management Development and Bond Guarantee Programs (CMDP-BGP) administered by the Florida A&M University Small Business Development Center.  He joined the Department of Transportation in 2002 in his current position. Terry has served on the Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers (FICE) DBE subcommittee of the FICE Transportation Committee as well as on the Florida Transportation Builders Associations (FTBA) DBE subcommittee.