FAMU DRS Certification Department
FAMU DRS Certification Department
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) Developmental Research School (DRS) is committed to meeting the educational needs of every student by hiring quality, highly qualified teachers. The FAMU DRS Certification Department serves as a liaison between FAMU DRS and the Florida Department of Education to ensure compliance with state statutes and rules relative to education certification.
The information provided is intended to provide helpful information regarding Florida certification and employment with Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Developmental Research School.
NOTICE: Effective with Florida Professional Certificates Expiring June 30, 2025, or later
If your Florida five-year professional certificate has an expiration date of June 30,2025, or later AND you have one of the certification areas identified below on your teaching certificate, you will need to meet a new 40-point reading renewal requirement per State Board Rule 6-4.0051. This is in addition to the current 20 points in Teaching Students with Disabilities (SWD) that is required by all who renew the State Florida professional certificate. The new requirement applies to all holders of a Florida professional teaching certificate in one of the specified areas, regardless of job assignment or position.
- Elementary K-6
- Elementary 1-6
- English 1-6
- English 6-12
English Middle Grades 5-9
- ESOL K-12
Exceptional Student Education
Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum 5-9Prekindergarten/Primary PK-3
- Primary K-3
Reading K-12
- Reading Endorsement
Link to the State Board Rule 6-4.0051 - https://www.flrules.org/gateway/RuleNo.asp?ID=6A-4.0051