Moving from a Temporary to Professional Certificate
Moving from a Temporary to Professional Certificate
- If you hold a Florida Temporary Certificate you must apply for the initial five-year Professional Certificate by submitting the Online CG-10 Application Form through the Florida Department of Education (DOE).
- The application for the initial Professional Certificate is valid for one year from the date of receipt by the DOE.
- Review the Official Statement of Status of Eligibility sent to you by the Florida Department of Education. Consult with the Collier County Public School Certification office, as needed, to ensure timely completion of all requirements for the Professional Certificate.
- When the application is processed by the DOE, the Professional Certificate is issued if documentation of all requirements are on file with the DOE. If there are deficiencies, a letter is mailed outlining all remaining requirements for the Professional Certificate.
- Test Score Reports - The testing office electronically submits certification examination passing scores to the DOE.
- Official Transcripts - If college courses were required and completed to satisfy Professional Certificate requirements, you must submit official transcripts of the courses completed to the DOE.
- College Teaching Experience - Completion of two (2) semesters of full-time college teaching experience or the equivalent in part-time teaching experience may meet some of the requirements to move toward the Professional Certificate.
- Timely Completion of Requirements - The Temporary Certificate holder is expected to complete all requirements for the Professional Certificate during the validity period of the Temporary Certificate. Collier County Public Schools requires completion of requirements by March 15th of the year your Temporary certificate expires for contract renewal and continued employment in the following school year.
Please note that the Bureau of Educator Certification is authorized to issue the Professional Certificate contiguous to the Temporary Certificate if all Professional Certificate requirements, including application submission, are completed no later than June 30th of the year immediately after the expiration of the Temporary Certificate. However, as explained in the preceding paragraph, this timeline does not ensure continued employment with CCPS.
- State Board of Education Rules do not permit the issuance of “back-to-back” Temporary Certificates. Only the Professional Certificate can be issued for the school year immediately following the validity period of the Temporary Certificate.